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The BSPAD runs two regular meetings per year. One at the British Association of Dermatologists’ (BAD) Annual Meeting (usually held in summer) and our stand-alone BSPAD Annual Meeting later in the year.

Other meetings are organised along side professional societies such as The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and other dermatology-specific societies.

The BAD events site is organising this meeting and more information can be found here: BSPD Registration (

Future meetings

BSPAD Annual Meeting and AGM in Cambridge

Dates: 8th-9th November 2024

Early bird registration ends: 19th April 2024

Pre-registration ends: 10th June 2024

Registration link:

Abstract Link: here 

Abstract Deadline: Sunday 8 September 23:59 more info on BAD link:

BSPD Registration (


BSPAD Annual Meeting and AGM in Cambridge

Dates: 8th – 9th November 2024

Registration link: TBD

Abstract Submission Deadline: TBD


Latest Post

BSPAD at BAD Liverpool 2023

The BSPAD session theme this year was systemic medicines in an exciting time for paediatric and adolescent dermatology.

Mandy Allwood of Ichthyosis support group