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The BSPAD has created a list of resources that may be shared with young people in the transitional period, or adapted for use in a specialised young person’s dermatology clinic.

From childhood to adolescence

Transition to adulthood is a crucial milestone for all young people, and requires special and careful consideration for our patients. It is the time they make decisions about their education and future occupation, begin relationships and self-manage their disease.

Having any chronic condition adds complexity to this period and specialised Young Person’s or Adolescent Dermatology services can provide valuable support for their medical and psychosocial needs.

Skin conditions and intimacy

Skin conditions can impact on many aspects of life including intimate relationships. This can be for many different reasons and may include the involvement of skin around genitals. This may be due to pain or feelings of embarrassment, or shame linked to how your skin looks. Please do talk to your team about this as there are likely to be ways to help.