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Adolescent Dermatology Resources

Skin conditions can have huge impact in young people and it can be difficult to know where to find reliable information. Here are medical facts and quality resources to help manage and support living with a skin condition.

Adolescent Dermatology Resources

This is a collection of resources aimed at healthcare workers who provide dermatology care to adolescents and young people.


Short report describing the set-up of a specialist teenage and young adult dermatology clinic with an embedded psychologist led by Dr. Tess McPherson at Oxford University Hospitals. De Vere Hunt I, Howard E, McPherson T. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2020 45 pp5

Dr V Campbell, Dr D Middleton, Dr S Austin, Dr H Hunter, Dr S Hoey, Department of Dermatology, Belfast City Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. BSPAD Annual meeting 2019 (poster prize winner)

Original research article analyzing interviews with adolescents with eczema or psoriasis. De Vere Hunt IJ, McNiven A, Roberts A, Parmar H, McPherson T BMJ Open 2021

Review article explaining the specific healthcare needs of adolescences in dermatology and the need for specialist services. De Vere Hunt I, Howard E, McPherson T. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2020 45 pp5

Paper integrating the findings of a 5-year transition research program of young people with long-term health conditions from children’s to adults’ healthcare services. Colver A, Rapley T, Parr J, McConachie H, Dovey-Pearce G, Le Couteur A, McDonagh J, Bennett C, Maniatopoulos G, Pearce M, Reape D, Chater N, Gleeson H, Vale L. Clin Med 2020 Vol 20, No.1:74-8r


British Association of Dermatologists – Communicating well with adolescents in dermatology clinics

Toolkit designed to provide practical suggestions about how to tailor healthcare to young people’s specific needs – Developmentally Appropriate Health Care Toolkit

Royal College of Physicians Toolkit to support acute care of adolescents and young adults – RCP Acute Care Toolkit

Information on Southampton Children’s Hospital ‘Ready Steady Go’ transition programme – Transition to adult care: Ready Steady Go

Recommended psychosocial interview format for adolescents following the acronym ‘HEEADSSS’ (Home & Environment, Education & Employment, Eating & Exercise, Activities, Drugs/Substances, Sexuality, Suicide/Depression, Safety) – HEEADSSS Adolescent Psychosocial Assessment Guide

Free app developed by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to support trainees in providing developmentally appropriate healthcare – HEADSSSS App for trainees

Adolescent health e-learning project: includes module on transition – E-learning

A cross-specialty RCP group focused on the care of young people aged 10–25 years who are either presenting for the first time to adult services or transferring from children’s to adult services. Provides input for RCP policy, training, service delivery, research, and public and patient involvement – Royal College of Physicians Young Adults and Adolescents Steering Group

For full list of resources on transitional care please email the RCPCH at [email protected]

Changing Faces is UK-based Charity supporting people with visible differences. They have produced resources which may be useful for schools and also provide support for people living with visible differences and their families, including support groups and 1-to-1 counselling services – Changing Faces (Charity) – Resources for Schools, Assemblies and Classrooms

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