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BSPAD at BAD Liverpool 2023

July 9, 2023

BSPAD at BAD Liverpool 2023

The BSPAD session theme this year was systemic medicines in an exciting time for paediatric and adolescent dermatology.

Great to see so many of you in Liverpool. The BSPAD session theme this year was systemic medicines in an exciting time for paediatric and adolescent dermatology. We kicked off with a joint event with Leila Asfour from the British Hair and Nail Society (BHNS) discussing alopecia areata and potential role of JAK inhibitors. This included patients experiences showing one in US who had life changing impact of treatment and some other young people who accepted and even felt empowered by alopecia. This led to an interesting discussion of when, how and whether they may be used and the issues that need to be considered in particular longer term data.

Lindsay Shaw and Jacqui Sinch presented their experience of running a dermatology/ rheumatology joint clinic in Bristol with excellent cases demonstrating the many benefits of collaboration including patients outcomes and colleague support. Carsten Flohr gave a really wonderful pragmatic, clinically focused update on systemic treatments in atopic dermatitis- a transformed clinical area over the past decade and impressive work to keep the research ongoing and available for patients and clinicians. There were several fantastic abstracts including Celia Moss discussing the need for clearer labelling on topical steroids following a survey of patients, Rikshana Ali presenting data on a new history taking tool – You and Your Skin (YAYS) and Zahra Moledina presenting the mental health guidance which many BSPAD members have helped develop. This will shortly be published in the BJD – we hope you all find it useful.

Icon of a doctor with qualifications

Prize winners from Liverpool – Congratulations!

  • Best oral – research: Zahra Moledina A multidisciplinary expert consensus on the assessment of and support for mental health in children and young people living with skin conditions
  • Best oral – case report: Paula Finnegan A teenager with a bleeding neck nodule
  • Best poster: Sarah El-Heis The modifying effect of maternal body mass index on the influence of maternal vitamin D supplementation on offspring risk of atopic eczema