BSPAD Youth Forum
January 12, 2023
BSPAD Youth Forum - get involved
Are you aged 16-25? Are you living with a skin or hair condition?
The British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology (BSPAD) and the British Association of Dermatology (BAD) are national charities that exist to represent dermatology at a national level.
We would like to include the voices and priorities of young people in our work.
We are looking for a diverse and inclusive group of young people living with skin conditions to join a new national youth forum.
The youth forum will be open to anyone who is keen to engage with BSPAD/ BAD. We anticipate that this forum will be a platform to include young people’s advice and expertise in the work of the BSPAD and the BAD including guidelines, patient information resources and research
Please contact us if you would be keen to join an initial virtual meeting in March 2023 to:
- Identify priorities for young people
- Explore ideas and next steps
Thanks so much for your help!
Tess McPherson (BSPAD President) and Emma Howard (BSPAD committee)
Contact: [email protected] include subject line – youth forum